New words
one for each day of the year so far...
01 petty - belanglos, unbedeutend
02 fealty - Lebenstreue, Lebenspflicht
03 insurgency - Auflehnung
04 insurgent - Rebell
05 (to) uproot - entwurzeln
06 jihad - Muslim holy war against infidels
07 stooge - Strohmann
08 zealot - Fanatiker, Zelot
09 (to) deflect - ableiten, verlagern, ausschlagen
10 (to) dispel - vertreiben
11 log-jam - delay/stoppage
12 fratricidal (this one's self-explanatory)
13 writ - Schriftstück, Erlass, Aufforderung
14 snub - Abfertigung, Brüskierung
15 junta - party / group
16 manhunt / search / tracing - Fahndung
17 wanted list - Fahndungsliste
18 deception / fallacy / sophism / erroneous belief / wrong conclusion - Trugschluss
19 aberration - Abweichung, Irrweg, Geistesverwirrung
20 transition period / transition phase - Übergangsphase
21 summit conference - Gipfeltreffen
22 G8 summit - G8-Gipfeltreffen
23 blighter / gadfly - Quälgeist
24 (to) do sth with gusto - etwas mit Begeisterung tun
25 (to) do sth willy nilly - etwas nur halb / nicht richtig machen
26 (to) defuse - entschärfen
27 incentive - Ansporn, Stimulus, Anreiz / antreibend, anspornend
28 (to) rig up - zurechtbasteln
29 heinous - verrucht
30 misoygymy - hatred of women
Give me more!
heinous :D
thaaaaank you :D
misogynous ;)
right, now tell me what it means lol
1. Hatred of women.
Derivative: misogynist
Someone who hates women.
Thesaurus: woman-hater, male chauvinist, sexist, male supremacist.
Derivative: misogynous
Etymology: 17c: from Greek misogynes, from misos hatred + gyne woman.
Hmm, wonder what a man hater is called (a)
ty :)
man haters are called gems me thinks
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Yep and there's a gem who's about to commit murder soon!
if this were the minority report movie, you would have been arrested for even thinking that!
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