
In the early 90s, I used to watch the Disney Club. It was aired every Saturday afternoon, and there were repeats every Sunday morning. At the end of each show, there was a musical guest. In an episode of about 1991 or so, this guest was Betty Boo. That was the first and last performance I ever saw of her. I remember it quite well because I had it on video for a couple of years.
In case you don't know Betty Boo, here's what the owner of the Betty Boo Memorial Page has to say:
Betty Boo, half Malasian half Scottish, was a solo British pop artist. She has released two albums to date ("Boomania" and "Grrr It's Betty Boo") which both entered the charts, but only one track from her last album actually got anywhere in the singles charts.
Alison Clarkson, her real name, had hits with "Where are you Baby" and "Doin' the Do" to name a few. Her comic style videos were instantly recognisable as were her rythmicaly rapped melodies. Wrapped in a skin tight PVC body suit or simply jeans, she looked beautiful with her jet black hair, tanned flesh, and a warm mischevious smile.
Her career as a pop singer sadly began to die soon after that fatal day when she dropped the microphone while singing live on UK TV. The music played on and so did her voice. So she wasn't singing live, big deal! Her music, good looks, and strange videos should have been enough for the public, but oh no, they expected her to sing live! ;-)
I recently got hold of some of Betty Boo's singles at Oxfam. As far as I can remember, this was the song she performed at the Disney Club. I quite liked it:
If you do, buy the album here or anywhere else you can find it.
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